Luohu launches month-long minors protection promotion
Luohu launched a month-long juvenile protection promotion on May 30 to raise the public’s awareness of issues relating to youth development.
A total of 12 government departments and social organizations took part in the launch ceremony. The district will hold about 100 activities of various forms throughout the month of June.
The ceremony attracted more than 100 children and their parents. They learned the Law on the Protection of Minors as well as topics spanning hot-button like sexual assault prevention, drug control, and mental health well-being to improve their awareness of self-protection.
Luohu requires all departments to fully implement the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors and consolidate due responsibilities.
The district government said it must ensure that the six protection networks, including families, schools, society, the internet, the government, and judiciary are tightly and firmly woven so as to jointly build a reliable security system for juveniles, who are the future of the motherland.