Literary and Art work emphasized in Luohu
On March 29th, the opening ceremony of the fifth representative conference of the Luohu Federation of Literary and Art Circles (LFLAC) took place.
Laing Yu, vice chairman of Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles (SFLAC), and Fan Defan, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Luohu District Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.
Liang Yu, speaking on behalf of the SFLAC, offered full acknowledgment of the LFLAC's efforts. He highlighted the significant contributions and fruitful results achieved by the LFLAC in recent years, including the creation of fine works, the hosting of literary activities, the enrichment of cultural life among the locals, and the cultivation of talent. These efforts have greatly driven the vibrant development of Shenzhen's literary and art scene.
Fan Defan also commended the progress made in Luohu's literary and art endeavors since the fourth representative conference. He expressed sincere gratitude and respect to the district's numerous literary and art practitioners for their invaluable contributions. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of further preserving and inheriting Luohu's urban culture through literary creation and comprehensively constructing an ecosystem for fine literary creation. This aims to showcase Luohu's exemplary achievements as a sustainable pioneer urban area in the construction of a modern socialist district.
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